Our Network
Working together with a strong female bond.

Constanze Hintze is a committed Zontian in the ZONTA Club Fünf-Seen-Land. ZONTA International is an organization of actively working women in decision-relevant positions. Zonta International has set itself the goal of supporting, improving and protecting the situation of women worldwide in legal, social, professional, health and personal terms. Zonta International is politically and religiously independent.

The Handelsblatt is the largest business and financial newspaper in German, reaching around 290,000 decision-makers in business and administration every trading day. Since June 2017, Constanze Hintze has written her 14-day column on topics relating to stock market events, investment and retirement provision for the HANDELSBLATT expert council.
More: www.handelsblatt.com

Constanze Hintze is a member of FONDSFRAUEN, an initiative by women for women in the investment fund industry. The fund women see themselves as a career network to network women across hierarchical levels in order to enable regular exchange and to support the implementation of personal and professional goals.
More: www.fondsfrauen.de

We appreciate the experience and expert knowledge of KANZLEI HUBERTUS 4. The team of four experienced lawyers advises on all questions related to marriage, separation, divorce and estate planning / regulation.